Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Importance of Proper eBook Formatting

Guido Henkel has an excellent post on his blog today regarding eBook formatting.  This is the first post in a series designed to help authors professionally format their books for Kindle and other eReaders.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who has experienced reading a Kindle book and being abruptly pulled out of the story by paragraphs that suddenly begin to run together, unusual indentations, or strange characters where quotations marks should be.  Even though I've always managed to keep reading when encountering these types of errors, many people will not.  With the flood of inexpensive eBooks on the market, many readers will simply move on to another author.  If we want our work to be taken seriously, our book's formatting must be perfect.

Guido's blog:  http://guidohenkel.com

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